Industries Best: Pain Resolution Resources
Here at Elevate Training we work with a large population individuals seeking pain resolution. While many of these are post injury a far more common circumstance is the desk warrior who has chronic aches and pains. Whether this is low back pain, knee pain, shoulder issues or neck pain we believe that every person should have the tools to maintain their body. This approach allows us to share self administered methods for addressing our own bodies needs. Really, shouldn't we all have the basic understanding of what happening in our own body?
Over the years this has meant finding the best resources to share and instruct clients and today we are compiling the list of the best resources for you. While this only the "highlight reel" it is absolutely the best of the best regarding addressing your bodies day to day needs.
Trigger Point Therapy -
Tigger Point Therapy has a vast library of resources including videos and articles about how to utilize Self Massage techniques to affect fascial restriction. This can be one of the most powerful ways to release stiff or restricted muscles, as imbalanced muscular tension is a great contributor to joint dysfunction this is an effective pain intervention tool. If you don't ready own a foam roller of some kind, you're missing out on just how good your body can feel and move.
Kelly Starrett's Mobility WoD -
Kelly Starrett is a coach, author and therapist who has been on a mission to help humans be able to perform basic maintain on themselves. This has lead to a vast library of videos, books, blogs and products that all designed to empower the masses. He can take even the most complicated physiological concept and make it understandable for everyday athletes and desk warriors alike.
While there is no substitution for a professional diagnosis of your individuals needs, there is also no reason to use the "fingers crossed" method for addressing your body. Now you can begin massively improving how you move and feel, and your body with thank you for every second you spend learning how!
If you're interested in an individual movement screening and assessment or simply learning more about how self care can apply to you contact us today!