3 Ways To Measure Progress That Aren't The Scale
alex elsberry alex elsberry

3 Ways To Measure Progress That Aren't The Scale

Is the scale going up and down from one day to the next? Are you feeling confused? The truth is that you should never solely rely on the scale. It simply doesn't tell the whole story. What you see on the scale is your total body weight, not your lean mass or fat percentage.


Health experts agree that using the scale isn't the best way to determine your progress. Fluid retention, hormonal changes, and other factors can add pounds to your scale readout.


Here are some more accurate ways to measure your fitness and weight loss success:

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4 Easy Steps to Progress Your Push-Up
alex elsberry alex elsberry

4 Easy Steps to Progress Your Push-Up

Have a hard time doing push-ups? Do you get out of breath or break technique after just a few reps? Still working on your getting your first pushup? No problem! Everybody has to start somewhere. Those guys who do hundreds of push-ups with no rest between sets were just like you when they got started.


If you had to choose just one exercise for your upper body, it should be push-up. This compound movement hits your back, chest, shoulders, arms, and muscles, offering a full body workout. Since it requires strength and endurance, it can be challenging when getting started. Follow these steps to progress your push-up and get stronger overall:

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Did You Gain 2-5 Pounds In A Day?
alex elsberry alex elsberry

Did You Gain 2-5 Pounds In A Day?

Have you gained 2 lbs, 3 lbs (or more) in a single day? Don't freak out! Daily weight fluctuations are completely normal. Did you notice the scale go up and down throughout the day? Or find you’re heavier at night than first thing in the morning? Possible causes include a high-sodium intake, hormonal changes, fluid retention, carb-rich meals, or even simply more stomach content.


Luckily, the extra pounds go away fast. Just because the scale says you're gaining weight, it doesn't mean you're gaining fat. If you could actually gain or lose 2-3 pounds of fat in a day, you could theoretically lose 60-90 pounds in a single month!

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Is Muscle Soreness A Useful Measure Of Your Workout?
alex elsberry alex elsberry

Is Muscle Soreness A Useful Measure Of Your Workout?

Feeling sore after crushing a tough workout? Good for you! This shows that you're really pushing yourself in the gym! However, if you're always sore, you might be overtraining. The old saying "No pain, no gain" isn't necessarily true. Stiff, aching muscles can affect your overall performance and stall your progress in the gym.

So what causes muscle soreness?

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