6 Characteristics to Finding the Perfect Personal Trainer: Your Ultimate Guide
alex elsberry alex elsberry

6 Characteristics to Finding the Perfect Personal Trainer: Your Ultimate Guide

When it comes to finding a personal trainer, there are a lot of options out there. From online coaches to local gym trainers, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. But there are a few key characteristics to look for when seeking out a personal trainer that can make all the difference in achieving your fitness goals. Here are some important qualities to consider:

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The War of Art and Weightlifting: Overcoming Resistance for Success
alex elsberry alex elsberry

The War of Art and Weightlifting: Overcoming Resistance for Success

Natural Resistance is a phenomenon that occurs when individuals face challenges or obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals. It can manifest in a variety of ways, from procrastination and self-doubt to fear and anxiety. According to Pressfield, natural resistance is an internal force that is present in all of us, and it is what prevents us from achieving our full potential. He argues that the key to overcoming natural resistance is to understand it and learn to work with it, rather than against it.

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Why Your Heart Rate is a Terrible Guide to Your Workout
alex elsberry alex elsberry

Why Your Heart Rate is a Terrible Guide to Your Workout

Let's talk about it. It’s hard to look for workouts and not come across the latest craze of heart-rate-based training. It sounds like it even makes sense- fat-burning zones, variable effort, heart rate-based recovery and it can definitely ensure a sweaty workout. You may even be incentivized by a “high score,” although tragically these scores don’t necessarily equal better results. Fortunately, there are some effective (and free!) methods that will guide you to better results than chasing that “Red Zone.”

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Transform Your Body: The Fitness Strategy Everyone Is Ignoring
alex elsberry alex elsberry

Transform Your Body: The Fitness Strategy Everyone Is Ignoring

Do you feel like you're working out consistently, but not seeing the results you want? Are you looking for a way to take your fitness routine to the next level? You're not alone. Many people are struggling to see progress in their fitness goals despite putting in long hours at the gym. But what if there was a simple yet highly effective fitness strategy that you've been ignoring this entire time? This technique is not about adding more weight or reps to your routine. It's based on the tempo or speed of your exercises, and it has the potential to transform your body. Get ready to discover the power of this underused fitness strategy that has been hiding in plain sight!

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