A Simple Technique to Improve Your Relationship with the Scale and Achieve Long-Term Success
alex elsberry alex elsberry

A Simple Technique to Improve Your Relationship with the Scale and Achieve Long-Term Success

Losing weight can be a challenging process that requires discipline, motivation, and patience. One of the most common tools used to track weight loss progress is a scale. However, the number on the scale can be frustratingly inconsistent, fluctuating day-to-day and obscuring actual progress. This can often leave people feeling demotivated and questioning the effectiveness of their weight loss efforts. Fortunately, there is a more valuable way to use this information -

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New Research Reveals Actionable Tips for Diet Sustainability and Losing Weight
alex elsberry alex elsberry

New Research Reveals Actionable Tips for Diet Sustainability and Losing Weight

Research by Fazzino and colleagues (2023) provides insights into actionable steps we can take to overcome some of the factors that influence our natural regulation of food intake. The study analyzed data from nearly 3000 meals across 35 participants to identify what drives us to eat more. Here are some key findings and practical tips based on the study's results:

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Rewriting Your Story: The Power of Storytelling in Shaping Our Habits and Well-being
alex elsberry alex elsberry

Rewriting Your Story: The Power of Storytelling in Shaping Our Habits and Well-being

What if I told you that the stories you tell yourself have a direct impact on your health and wellness outcomes? It may sound like a stretch, but the narratives we create about ourselves and our habits can either limit us or empower us. In this article, we'll explore how our stories impact our frame of the situation and change the way we engage with habits that affect the outcome. We'll also discuss practical ways to reframe negative narratives and create a foundation for positive change. Get ready to challenge the stories you tell yourself and unlock your true potential.

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Science-Backed Medicine Ball Workouts for Building Athletic Power and Speed
alex elsberry alex elsberry

Science-Backed Medicine Ball Workouts for Building Athletic Power and Speed

When it comes to sports and activities, speed and power are two of the most important athletic traits to possess. Whether you're a basketball player looking to improve your jump shot or a runner trying to shave seconds off your race time, building speed and power is essential. That's where medicine ball training comes in. Studies have shown that incorporating medicine ball work into your workout can help you improve your explosive power, agility, and speed. So, get ready to unleash your inner athlete as we explore the fun and effective ways to incorporate medicine ball training into your workout routine!

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