The Underrated Power of Walking: Enhancing Fitness, Function, and Overall Well-being
alex elsberry alex elsberry

The Underrated Power of Walking: Enhancing Fitness, Function, and Overall Well-being

“The easy things to do, are the easy things not to do.”  - Jim Rohn. In our pursuit of fitness and well-being, we often overlook one of the simplest and most accessible tools available to us: walking. While it may not have the allure of trendy workouts or high-intensity training, research has consistently demonstrated that walking is a valuable tool for improving fitness, enhancing physical function, and promoting overall health.

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Why Building Your Reputation with Yourself is the Ultimate Unlock
alex elsberry alex elsberry

Why Building Your Reputation with Yourself is the Ultimate Unlock

“If you made a list of people you trust would you put your name on it?” -NF. The way you view yourself and your abilities plays a critical role in determining your level of confidence. When you have a high opinion of yourself and your abilities, you are more likely to take risks, speak up, and take on challenges. On the other hand, if you have a negative view of yourself, you are more likely to doubt yourself, hold back, and feel insecure. This is why it is crucial to pay attention to your reputation with yourself and build your confidence.

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The Science of Warming Up: Unlocking Performance, Preventing Injuries, and Maximizing Training
alex elsberry alex elsberry

The Science of Warming Up: Unlocking Performance, Preventing Injuries, and Maximizing Training

A handful of arm circles and some twisting isn’t the best way to warm up, neither is 30 minutes of stretching or foam rolling. Understanding the science behind warming up can significantly benefit your performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and enhance the training effect. We’ve packed in the 3 key benefits of warming up and practical advice for individuals short on time or unfamiliar with proper warm-up techniques.

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4 Easy Steps to Progress Your Chin Up
alex elsberry alex elsberry

4 Easy Steps to Progress Your Chin Up

Chin-ups are a challenging exercise that require a great deal of upper body strength and endurance.

If you're new to chin-ups, the idea of performing one can seem daunting. However, with the right progression exercises, anyone can achieve their first chin-up.

We'll show you how to use a series of exercises to build up to a body weight chin-up, so you can finally conquer this challenging exercise and achieve your fitness goals.

Get ready to take on this feat of strength and discover the progressive exercises that will lead you to your first chin-up!

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